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High on the energy transition agenda is the need to reduce the environmental impact and emissions from carbon intensive industries. 能源、热能生产和工业过程 占全球温室气体排放总量的55%.


在2015年《10bet十博注册网站》上, governments acknowledged that their national climate targets at the time would not meet the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5˚C. 2020年是提交长期战略的目标年 排放达到峰值.

Consensus is that the progress made since 2015 has not been enough and an unprecedented effort is required by countries to cut levels of emissions and get back on track. Individual countries are adjusting their regulatory landscape to meet emissions target commitments and a growing number of governments have also set mid-century net-zero targets.


世界银行 estimates that carbon pricing schemes now cover about half of the emissions for regions that use such mechanisms.

Emissions do and will continue to increasingly impact the balance sheet with the growing development of carbon pricing, 无论是通过排放交易体系还是碳税. 这里的目标是将负担转移到发射操作符和开发人员身上. 碳价还能刺激清洁技术和市场创新, 推动新, 低碳驱动经济增长.



45%的脱碳目标可以通过更好的方式实现 采用循环经济.

解决导致流程中断或关闭的重复故障, 停止燃烧和排气, 确保操作参数不会明显偏离原来的效率水平, as well as finding and fixing asset-integrity issues that contribute to fugitive emissions are not just emission mitigation solutions, but offer substantial cost efficiencies and potential monetisation opportunities for surplus power or captured gas.


95% of fund managers see international oil companies that are not responding to climate change-related risks as 没有吸引力的投资.

In recent years mainstream investors are following ethical investment groups in adopting criteria that excludes organisations and commodities groups based on hydrocarbon extraction and levels of carbon emissions. 此外, commitments sought include not only hard targets to reduce extraction and production emissions but also ‘indirect' or Scope 3 emissions from customers of their feedstock and products.


通过联合国可持续发展目标结束 170年组织 是否承诺到2050年实现净零排放.

企业知名度的公众形象也在加快步伐,更加强调环境问题, 社会和治理目标和贡献. 一项投资的可持续性和社会影响正受到越来越多的审查, and we are seeing major emitters announce carbon reduction and ambitious net zero targets on a regular basis.


一个不断发展的景观和一系列相互关联的社会, 经济和商业的复杂性给减排带来了挑战.


公司冒着2美元的风险.到2030年达到2万亿美元 如果他们的投资是基于当前低碳转型期间的排放政策.

老旧资产在降低排放强度方面面临更为复杂的挑战, 更换或改造通常效率较低,在后勤和经济上也具有挑战性. 当部件失效或降解时,它们会造成逸散性排放. 随着资产的老化,有很多机会可以帮助推动重大改进. 还有环境效益, 加强对排放的治理也具有令人信服的商业意义.


有必要研究地理和地缘政治 减少潜在搁浅资产的风险敞口.

全球工业公司正在做出全企业范围的减排承诺, 但它们的生产和加工资产在地理位置上差别很大, 无论是在数量上,还是在运营规模上. 此外, 在相关国家或地区有不同范围的监管和立法要求.



The removal of subsidies is expected to increase the installed capacity of renewables and the use of renewables in electricity by 使这些技术具有成本竞争力.

The speed of development and cost reductions within the low-carbon sector has benefited from government and regulatory support. This is as a result of legislation on the pricing of carbon emissions from fossil fuels and subsidies for alternative technologies for energy generation. It is expected that fossil fuel subsidies will be phased out meaning carbon intensive operations are not able to access subsidies in the way they have been able to.


当前的COVID-19大流行正在削弱 对全球经济的影响.

短期内本地生产总值大幅下降,并对资本开支造成重大影响. 越来越多的人关注为未来的绿色项目融资, 更具弹性和可持续性的解决方案. 这与现有资产的安全需求相结合, 弹性和生产在最佳水平. 还有脱碳选项, many industrial facilities will likely see a reduction in other harmful emissions positively impacting on air quality.


现有的基础设施是在几十年前建成的,以支持传统的能源使用. 快速过渡到a 脱碳系统将对现有基础设施产生影响.

创新和技术解决方案的步伐在脱碳中发挥着重要作用, from the technologies to generate and deliver new energy sources to the digital innovations that will transform how we use them. Leveraging data and digital technology also offers a less capital-intensive route to optimise operational performance, 以能源生产为目标,尽量减少浪费




你需要充分了解政策格局和碳基线, 在通过基准制定脱碳目标和指标之前, 评估市场影响并考虑政策和公司战略. 然后审查和绘制资产图,以实现脱碳途径方案的开发.

作为更广泛的交付模式的一部分, SCORE筛选过程可以应用于单个或多个资产, to a client’s full asset portfolio or across a specific geography or region using an evaluation assessment of opportunities to:

替代 -用可再生能源或强度较低的能源替代燃料或原料. 例如, 将电力供应转向可再生能源或考虑使用可再生能源和生物原料.

捕获 ——采用碳捕集技术, 或者排放控制技术, 大幅度减少或消除对大气的有害排放物.

抵消 - considering assets or product portfolios across a country or company-wide scale to achieve decarbonisation/clean air goals.

减少 -考虑能源效率方面的整体资产优化, 数字化、运营和维护的最佳实践.

评估 ——无论你的脱碳之旅如何, it’s important to apply a structured evaluation process to be able to map out your decarbonisation journey to meet goals and lead to a successful outcome.



The pathway to reduce the carbon emissions of extractive and process industries will need to leverage a breadth of solutions and will be bespoke to particular geographies, 企业投资组合和个人资产.

可再生能源正越来越多地融入世界各地的工业生产过程中. 在俄罗斯, 俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom Neft)正着手在其炼油设施建设太阳能发电厂的项目. 壳牌在其Moerdijk化工厂安装了荷兰最大的太阳能公园之一. 在上游石油和天然气领域,北海的平台已经引入了可再生能源. 运营商也有机会向第三方供电.

Looking at process optimisation is key within the business model to ensure operators are able to maximise throughput and efficiency across their operations. 这是相互关联的技术和实践的选择,以确保节能设计. 例如, 尽量减少废物流和能源泄漏, 贯穿于过程交付和操作的各个方面.

Leaking equipment is the largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide and air pollutants from oil and gas processing, 炼油厂, 生产设施. 数字解决方案可以增强检测, asset integrity and response implementation with significant impact on emissions and reducing product losses, 同时也提高了工作人员和周围社区的安全.

运营商可以考虑使用石油和天然气以外的其他原料, 生物燃料等替代品为生产和使用提供了机会. 用生物基替代品取代或补充传统的化石原料将减少排放. 这是一个发展中地区,技术主要基于生物燃料, 生物质和生物化学. 在氢气生产领域,这也是一个新兴领域, 通过使用生物原料.

支持多个行业脱碳的规模:供热, 运输, 重工业和发电. It also ensures efficient system integration in applications where it can use existing gas infrastructure for 运输 and storage. Carbon capture offers huge potential to neutralise the impact of fossil fuel production and is an area that is advancing in affordability and scale.

Investigating the benefits of carbon offsetting through carbon markets is only part of an overall reduction strategy. 但它确实为组织提供了两个减少排放的机会. One through compliance markets that are operated by government and require companies to account for emissions. 另一种是通过参与可持续项目来抵消碳排放.

石油 and gas majors can’t rely on the status quo given recent market fluctuations and the legislative requirement to reduce emissions. 近年来,更广泛的商业模式正使企业越来越多地转向电力和公用事业.

